It's time to Cancel Sizewell C

In recent weeks, Hinkley Point C has been revealed to cost £46 billion, yet just hours before this was announced, the government DOUBLED the taxpayers' money that had been paid into Sizewell C, to a staggering £2.5 billion. Stop Sizewell C described this as the epitome of insanity - to do the same thing over again and expect a different result.

Yet in fact Sizewell C is NOT an exact replica of Hinkley Point C. It is an 80% above ground copy, but the site and ground conditions are very different. And what's worse is that while Hinkley C's cost and schedule overruns are the responsibility of EDF, when Sizewell C overruns and overspends - as it inevitably will - it will fall on we consumers to pay. Citizens Advice have told Ministers "the scope for material cost and time overruns [at Sizewell C] is very significant. Consumers need to be protected from those risks. They have no way to manage them and are reliant on [the government] to ensure they are not on the hook”.

It's time to call a halt to this madness. Sizewell C is too slow, expensive and damaging to be the answer to our climate and energy security emergency. If you agree that Sizewell C is the wrong project in the wrong place, send a message to Rishi Sunak, Jeremy Hunt and Claire Coutinho, telling them why they should cancel Sizewell C.

This is a NEW action, so it doesn't matter if you have written before, PLEASE WRITE AGAIN. We must keep trying to make these Ministers see that Sizewell C is a terrible idea!

  • David A 21.05.2024 08:45
  • Chris A 21.05.2024 08:18
  • Andy T 19.05.2024 19:43
  • Deborah T 17.05.2024 06:27
  • Rachel C 15.05.2024 19:57
  • Clare-Louise R 08.05.2024 11:05