Joint Petition to Stop Sizewell C

EDF’s huge Sizewell C nuclear project is a white elephant - before it has even begun.

It would be a slow, destructive and expensive bridge to nowhere that will suck vital funds away from renewable energy and storage that can fight climate change faster and more cheaply.

Sizewell C would be the BIGGEST construction site in Europe for 10 - 12 years, bringing:

  • An extra 12,000 trucks, buses, vans and cars per day onto Suffolk’s roads
  • An invasion of 6,000 workers
  • Harm to our local businesses and tourism industry
  • Damage to our much-loved landscapes and wildlife habitats, including internationally-famous RSPB Minsmere. 

And the real insult? EDF wants us to pay for all of this through a new nuclear tax on our energy bills. 

EDF’s appalling track record of building these reactors elsewhere means there have been long delays and cost overruns, for which we would keep paying. With technical problems at a Chinese reactor of this type, these are yet more reasons why it is time to Stop Sizewell C. 

We must stand up to this monstrosity and make our voices heard.


  • zfBrIJeMgcNpAWC I 07.07.2024 01:37
  • QOlJDfRqHIB T 23.06.2024 13:41
  • Yoav E 19.06.2024 09:34
  • fDATQtjR a 13.06.2024 10:29
  • Richard W 12.06.2024 19:25
  • Louise W 12.06.2024 19:12