Please support our legal challenge with a donation

Stop Sizewell C has applied to the High Court for permission to challenge the Office for Nuclear Regulation’s (ONR's) grant of a nuclear site licence for Sizewell C in May.  Our issue is that the licensed site boundary does not include the sea defences and proposed new flood barriers, which are absolutely critical to future site safety.  You can read our press statement here

It is imperative that these issues are resolved before there was any Final Investment Decision made to take the project forward, for in this age of climate change how can there be confidence by investors or the public that the ONR has the powers and the oversight necessary to keep the site safe into the latter half of the next century?

We've thought long and heard about initiating this legal challenge, but we believe it is a hugely important matter of public interest, extraordinarily critical to Sizewell C but also to every licensed nuclear site as we anticipate climate-related impacts to accelerate.

We urgently need your financial support. We appreciate that times are tough but we are deeply grateful for any help you can give.

You can use this form to give online, but if you prefer to give by bank transfer or cheque please find details below

Bank A/C Name: Theberton & Eastbridge Action Group on Sizewell Ltd
Sort Code: 201612 (Barclays Bank)
A/C No: 83196364

Make a cheque payable to “TEAGS Ltd” and send to Old Store, Eastbridge, Suffolk IP16 4SJ. (Please provide an email or address so we can thank you)

  • Darren H 15.10.2024 07:43
  • Clare R 14.10.2024 18:43
  • Rachel M 14.10.2024 18:27
  • Rosemary T 14.10.2024 17:22
  • Peter W 14.10.2024 17:00
  • Grace T 08.10.2024 22:52